
Friday, February 26, 2010

History Failure!

Hello! Last night at history jeopardy my roommate and I came in LAST! Haha but we're not History majors so whatever!
This morning, pre run I had half of that container of blueberries with 1/2 a gnu peanutbutter bar.
My 3 mile run today was one of my best/worst. At 2.6 miles I got horrible cramps and I usually don't get cramps. It really took all I had to keep on going to 3.10 miles. BUT it was a great run because I didn't feel tired at 3.1 but my gym has a 30 minute on treadmills (LAME).
After my run I ate some oatmeal with 1/2 a banana. (oatmeal:1/2 cup oats, 1/2 cup of milk and water, cinnamon, almonds, 1 tbsp peanutbuttah)

I also had some blueberries with some cheerios and cinnamon!
Lunch: carrots with hummus, some sweet potato fries, and a "malibu burger" from the dining hall. The burgers are vegetarian but about 260 calories a pop (including the bun)! So they're my healthy burger.
Snack: self explanatory
So tonight, I went to see the Oscar Nominated Shorts and they were great! If you live near a theater that's playing them I'd say please go! I watched the live-action and the short "Miracle Fish" has my vote for the Oscar! If I had a vote..haha
And we ate at my favorite brunch place for dinner, La Note! Not good for dinner but a must-go for breakfast.
I had a piece of sourdough bread then ratatouille! I ate it all! YUMYUM vegetables, I felt no guilt.

We also had creme brulee for dessert. It only cost me 20 bucks to know I am NOT a creme brulee girl. :( hmph. BUT IT'S THE WEEKEND! I will be posting a great interview of another blogger tomorrow hopefully!

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